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Shedding light on hawkers who are reluctant to raise prices despite increasing consumer price index over the past 10 years. This posts seeks to quantify how much increased costs are absorbed by hawkers today.

TLDR; Insights

  • In Dec 2020, we are hitting a new 9-year high in inflation at 4%.
  • In the past 10 years, 36% of goods within our CPI grew by more than 33% in price.
  • Despite the strong upward raw ingredient price lifts, hawkers continue to stabilise prices. Overall prices have grown only 14% over 10 years.
  • Providing recommendations to normalise hawker price increases and conduct pricing experiments

Methodology and Data Sources

Leveraging open data source Average Retail Prices Of Selected Consumer Items, Monthly. Average prices compiled are based on monthly retail prices of selected goods and services collected from a wide range of retailers and service providers commonly patronised by resident households; Taking inspiration from Mothership Post Hawkers Increase Prices Reluctantly published 20 Feb 2022 Credits to Lean Jinghui